Choosing colors that go together is a hallmark of good design. Have you ever vacationed in the tropics and find yourself enamored with the slow pace, the exotic architecture and the bright vivid color that engulfs your psyche? Suddenly you find yourself purchasing a souvenir decorative accessory for your home washed in the brilliant colors surrounding you. When you return home you are confronted with the reality that there is not one room in your home where that vase, wall hanging or colorful throw is accepted by the room design color theme that you have created. I've come to the conclusion, after repeatedly making this mistake, that people decorate with the colors that surround them. If you don't live in the tropics then you probably are not decorating your home with cool tropical color.

In the two images to the right, are bedrooms that are both pleasing to the eye. However the furnishings could never be combined. The warm, golden theme of the top bedroom could not accept the gorgeous cool blue chase. When shopping for furniture, the homeowner often finds an exceptional piece of furniture that they love and have to have. The chase in definitely appealing with its divine royal blue upholstery, but it demands a harmonious setting created just for it.
The chase would better compliment the lime green bedroom seen left than complimenting the warm gold-tone bedroom pictured above. Royal blue and lime green are tropical colors.
They go together.

If your home is designed with warm earth tone colors, don't buy the metal art gecko to display on your coffee table. Just buy it because you love it. It will make you happy every time you pull it out of the drawer.
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