Two of everything is adorable when it comes to toddlers. These two little girls are precious identical twins. Dressed in identical pink shirts and identical denim overalls, their endearing sameness is emphasized.
Somewhere in time the human psyche came up with the idea that two is always better than one - that matching or conforming are better than risking individuality.
Applying the matchy-matchy idea to decorating can result in a room that lacks pzazz.
TWO OF EVERYTHING - like 2 matching chairs, 2 matching lamps, matching side tables, matching throw pillows, etc. - makes a room look matchy-matchy and robs a room of personality.
If you are a two-of-everything decorator there is a way to break up the matching look.
Update your room's personality by introducing bold new wall art. A dramatic focal point draws the eye away from all the sameness.