Two years ago this month furnishing a new home was high on my priority list. Eight months earlier a fire had left our home in ashes. All furnishings and personal belongings collected over the years were gone in just a matter of hours.
As we look back, yes, we miss the heirlooms, famliy photographs and personal items, but looking forward to a new home totally unfurnished presents its unique challenges as well. For folks who had become accustomed to the old sofa and grandma's dining room table, suddenly we were thrust into the present-day world of furniture. My, how furniture had changed. Where was the furniture made of real wood? Where was the variety?
We soon discovered that finding quality was difficult. Everything in the furniture stores seemed to be particle board, plastic and simulated, what ever that is.
It's amazing how you start paying attention when your life is touched in such a personal way. We decided right then and there that we should expand our showroom and begin the search for solid-wood furniture lines that complimented the Mediterranean style accessories in our retail store. A two-year search later, we found four lines that we are currently receiving and are being received by our customers with great excitement. http://www.accentsofsalado.com/RusticFurniture.html